Editor: Roleta Smith Meredith Issue 169 - BEGINNING
September 2013



This month is the end of 14 years of doing the newsletter and the beginning of our 15th year. Can you imagine? Fourteen years and we have never missed an issue…through our major illnesses, illnesses of family members, world traveling, moving, retiring, additions to the family and deaths of loved ones, you have never missed receiving an issue. We have all renewed old friendships and made new ones through the newsletter. It has been a way of reconnecting and staying connected with people with whom we have so much in common.

This newsletter has renewed the readers pride in our state, city and our high schools. We have given $44,000.00 in scholarships to R.C Byrd High School graduates as our way of saying thank you to Clarksburg for what it has given us. The newsletter is now read throughout the USA and in several foreign countries. Through the newsletter we are staying in touch. We have shared memories; have been reminded of things we had long forgotten and learned things about our high school, town and each other that we never knew.

We are proud of what we have accomplished together and thank you for all of your help throughout the past years. We appreciate your advice, your caring and sharing which makes it all possible. We hope we can now go forward and be even more successful this year, and with your help we will do it!

Thank you,

Roleta Smith Meredith
Judy Daugherty Kimler


submitted by: Jim Alvaro (WI '56)

Well, if this is in Stealey, I think it is either the Canteen on the South side of the Stealey Bridge. It was a place to go after hours when we would leave our dancing establishments. If that isn't it, I believe it might be the club near the corner of Duff and Milford. It was once called Biglios or something like that and may it is still the same owner. Was a good place to get a cold one. Seems I only have White's Motel left to guess and I am sure that is not White's Motel.

You don't have to put this in the newsletter. I was just trying to think of all the places I remembered in Stealey. OMG, I am not sure I spelled Stealey right. Or, is it Staley?

submitted by: Fred Alvaro (WI '59)

I am guessing the picture of the month is The Canteen just across the bridge into Stealey.


#1        #2

#1 VOTES:,

Joy Gregorie DeFazio (WI 1959);
Jane Faust;
Mary Ann Baily Donato 1956;
Janet Wilkinson (WI 1975);
Judith A. Scharle, M.S.#1,
Steve Griffith, NDHS '60, likes this;
Rebecca Allen Ausmus;
I chose # 1, I like the addition of Hilltoppers on that picture. Saral Howe class of 63;


I like #2 best. Just seems like the block letter indicates, strong, bold, and just seems more solid that number 1. Anyway, it has been the same for many years and I don't think it should have been changed. It may have been changed when WI Middle School started. If that is the case, that's alright.
Jim Alvaro (WI 1956)

# 2; that is how my Football Letter Looks. I still have it to this day!
Sargent McQuillan (WI 1957)

Roleta, I cast my vote for #2 as that is the one designed by my father, Coach Clay B. Hite. May I cast an extra vote for him???!!! Also a vote from my sister, Emma Lee Hite, as she has no email. Thank you for all you and Judy do; the newsletter is wonderful. I hope you can continue "forever!"
Mary Ann Hite Williams (WIHS '52)

I like the # 2 WI LOGO, probably because I have a "letter sweater" in my closet that shows that logo. But, other than that fact, it just looks "nicer", even without the "Hilltoppers" on it.
John Teter (WI 1961)

I like #2 WI Logo. I think it is because it was the one used when I was in school. I remember how strong that emblem seemed. I remember football players wearing a dark navy blue pullover sweater with that WI Logo covering their chests. Quite a statement.
Roleta Smith Meredith (WI 1959)

I vote for style number 2. It appears more traditional to me and more in line with what I was used to seeing when I was a student at WIHS.
Jim Selario (WI 1967)

I liked number 2 because it reminded me of our football letter sweater (dark blue with gold WI on the front). My Junior year we got leather sleeved jacket with Big Ten Champs patch. Thanks to Gene Donaldson and Bobby Secret as well as many other good Senior football players We were 9 and 1 and missed playing for the State Championship due to a lost to Parkersburg. Bobby Secret was wide open for a 20 yard pass that may have been the winning touchdown. I "drilled "the ball into the ground at his feet. There may have been other factors that contributed to the narrow lost but that's the one I remember. Not one member of that team said anything to me about that mistake. Bobby Secret, always a gentleman, never said a word.
Bob Swiger (WI 1961)

To me #2 is much cleaner looking.
D.K. Roach (WI 1962)

Carolyn Lopez

Catherine Custer Burke (WI 1954)

I vote for # 2. Lawrence Kinney (WI 1951)

WI number 2. Please remind readers that WI has no periods--- it is a man's name, which was not written Washington.Irving.
Carolyn Burnside

Just to say your August Newsletter was great as usual. I love seeing responses from old friends.
I vote for the WI #2.....that's the way it was in 1954!
Keep up the great work.
Paula White Brown (WI 1954)

I vote for #2. Gladys Williams (WI 1971)

I like # 2, but that's because I wore that on my band sweater, given to me by a close friend, Dick Fleming.
Patty Pitts Morris (WI 1947)

I like the #2 WI letter better. It reminds me more of what you would see on a lettermen's sweater or jacket :)
DeDe Shot King (WI 1994)

I feel that I missed something along the way, as you asked us to vote on a "WI" logo. I don't know what it's all about, but I'd vote for the #2 logo as it is very much like the "LETTER" that was on my 1950 WI HS band sweater. The design of #1 looks very amateurish, but don't say I told you.
Ron Ogren (WI 1950)

WI #2 has my vote. It looks the most like my band (majorette) letter. Thank you, Roleta, Judy and Bill for all the time and effort that you put into the newsletter.
Sandy Zickefoose Lindke (WI 1956)


Thanks to all who wrote!



Does anyone have a picture of Alta Vista Grade School? I would like to have a copy for the newsletter. Thanks

submitted by: DeDe Short King (WI '94)

I just wanted to say how enjoyable it was seeing the pics of the ALTA VISTA GRADE SCHOOL TOY ORCHESTRA and the ALTA VISTA HARMONICA BAND TAKEN IN 1939. Since I graduated in the 90's from high school, I had never even heard of these types of orchestras/bands in the elementary schools. I love the military style outfits that the children wore! I bet they were a lot of fun to listen to :)


submitted by: Ed Propst (WI '74)

I am looking for a recording of the WI alma mater. Can you help me?


Can you identify the above picture? I won't publish incorrect answers. Thank you for participating and helping make the newsletter interesting. Write to

submitted by: Jane Byrnside Anderson (WI '56)

Love reading the newsletter and keeping up with what's going on in Clarksburg and with people I know. You do a great service and I know we ALL appreciate it. My husband and I have lived in California for 11 years and don't get back for either the Florida or Clarksburg reunions; however, I do love seeing the pics. Keep up the good work.

submitted by: DeDe Short King (WI '94)

What a royal looking place Trader's Hotel was! Such a shame that it burned so long ago. That would look so lovely if it were still standing in Clarksburg.


submitted by: John Teter (WI '61)

I think that my favorite teacher at WI, was a Mr. Heckert. I meant to look at my yearbooks last night to see what subject he taught, but I forgot to do that. I think that he taught math, but I am not sure about that.

My favorite place to go was The Bridgeport Civic Center for Saturday night dances; my next favorite would probably be Ellis Drive-in; followed by the Robinson Grand Theater; then the Elks / VFW dances in downtown Clarksburg, because I loved to dance (still do).


submitted by: John Teter (WI '61)

I think that the best memory that I have of my high school days was just simply the friendships that I developed over the years and in most cases have maintained. I do not remember there being a "drug problem" and/or "shootings" or "racial issues" during my time at WI, but I am sure that there are those that may choose to disagree with me. I do not remember there being fights at social events (other than when one bad DUDE was present), but I think that everyone that went to dances and/or sporting events, went for the enjoyment of why they were there.

I cannot imagine what the parents have had to go thru with some of the school shootings, as I do not remember that sort of thing happening "back in the day". The only thing that I know may have been a threat at WI, was the so-called "bomb threat" and the only reason that I know about that is that one of my 61 classmates keeps bringing it up, as he would like to know who called it in. I think that you have only had one other writer mention it in any of your newsletters.

I did look forward to the start of school, as during the summer months, it just seemed like the only time that everyone got together; whether it was for a dance or a sporting event. My best friend during WI days (Bill Post) and I used to do things out around his parents' house on Davisson Run Road and also at the Stealey playground. We went to dances, but it just did not seem like there were a lot of people at the dances during the summer because of vacations and/or people just being out of town.



JUNE 21, 2014

An enthusiastic group of Washington Irving High School alumni and Washington Irving Middle School graduates, gathered together for the third meeting for the preparation of the 100th year celebration of Washington Irving High School. In attendance were Clarksburg City Mayor, Cathy Going and Harrison County Commissioner, Mike Romano. We have officially set the date for June 21, 2014 which will be declared WASHINGTION IRVING HIGH SCHOOL DAY by the City of Clarksburg.

Many ideas have been brought forth to make this a very memorable occasion. More specific details will follow in our publications each month.

Officers were elected: Serving as president is Barbara DeFazio Kroll, Class of 1979, Sam Scalopio, former Principal: secretary, Joy Gregorie DeFazio, Class of 1959, Treasurer, Donna Harrison Trickett, Class of 1978, and Carolyn Pinella Warne and Roleta Smith Meredith (WI NEWSLETTER), both Class of 1959, Publicity.

While it appeared unanimous that a parade and perhaps a dinner or light refreshments would be part of the celebration, no definite times or places were established.

Clarksburg Mayor and Washington Irving graduate Cathy Goings promised to work with the group to insure use of Jackson Square if that were the site chosen for the day's events.. It is located in downtown Clarksburg. Others suggested using the Armory where WI basketball games were played.. Nothing has been set in stone..

We are making headway said Kroll. However we need many more people to help if this is going to be a success. I do know that people are excited. I've heard that several alumni are planning for their various class reunions to get together either on Friday before or Sunday after that weekend.

Anyone interested in being involved in the planning of this centennial event is invited to the next meeting on September 16th, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the Baptist Church 501 West Pike Street, across from the Clarksburg Post Office. Use the door on the East side of the Building.

Anyone that has suggestions or questions may call Washington Irving Middle School, 304-326-7422 prior to the meeting.

We hope to hear from our Alumni with great enthusiasm..... Thanks

Be sure to watch the newsletter for updates


submitted by: Mike Snyder (WI '57)

Sometimes we don't see things clearly until they're past. For the last 12 years WI alums have had great reunions in Clarksburg, mostly at the Veteran's Park. This year, the last, was no exception.

The little, but mighty, lady whose hard work made it possible--Sharyn Cottrill McGahan spoke to us all and explained that behind her hard work were dedicated helpers--her husband Jim, their sons, Beth Twigg Devericks, Pam Wolfe Brown, Paula Brausseur Riley, Ron and Becky Werner, Carolyn Pinella Warne, Joy Gregorie deFazio and Roleta Smith Meredith (forgive me if I missed anyone). I was able to attend the majority of them and want to thank Sharyn and her co-workers for their dedication and loyalty in letting us get together each summer for over a decade.

Like the WI newsletter, the reunion helped us connect with each other in ways that span time and distance. Sharyn and Roleta's class of '59 and my class of '57 are always well represented, with some from the early fifties and others from the seventies and even later. Approximate attendance this year was 70 plus.

1957 classmates were Jim, Skip, Frank, Roger, and Barbara. Also good to see Rick, Chuck, Tom, Bobby, Bud, Bucky, K.B. and a heck of a lot of others from the other vintages.

Dick Hanifan, '59, sported long white hair below his shoulders with a flowing white beard. If he had been carrying one of my scythes and a cape, he could have been a ringer for Father Time himself.

Jim Campbell shows up every year in a yellow VW with blue flags and wears blue and gold striped bib shorts, a similarly hued top hat and cane, gold socks, and blue and gold saddle shoes. How's that for WI spirit????

Richard Iaquinta, WI alum, WV Wesleyan assistant football coach, and member of the WV House of Delegates attended and told me that in the next legislature he would get "In God We Trust" as a WV license plate option. Half the states have this, and if Richard delivers as he says, I believe he is one politician worth keeping!

We all got together for a loud and resounding WI HILLTOPPERS!!! cheer for Sharyn and her helpers. That brought a big smile to everyone's face who was fortunate enough to attend the WI reunion for the summer of 2013.


L-R; Bill Cowgill, his sister; Sara Howell, (sorry I can't remember?) Joy Gregorie DeFazio, and Beth Twigg Devericks



I would like to know what those attending the 2013 picnic think about having the picnics continue (without the help of Sharyn COTTRILL McGahan) by having the picnic CATERED.

I have done some checking, and to have a picnic catered the cost per person would range from $15.00 - $20.00 and would include the following:

Hot Dogs
Cole Slaw
Ice Tea
Potato Salad

Please contact John Teter (WI 1961) with comments or questions. Thank you


submitted by: Dave Kuhl (WI '62)

This will give you an idea of what can be done in genealogy.


152 years ago today on July 31, 1861, at a remote farm in Braxton County, Virginia, Henry Kuhl (1802-1862) made a decision and committed an act which would cause his death, disrupt his family and cast a shadow over his descendants.

On this date, Henry chose to detain and then killed a Union camp follower who had come to his humble home asking for and perhaps demanding food.

Neighbors would later uncover the victims' body and observe that it was wearing the striped trousers of a Yankee uniform. Searches of Union military records never produced the name of any soldier with the alleged name of Casper Prisler. The conclusion was therefore that the individual was a Union camp follower and not a soldier. There were also no records of a deserter or anyone missing who might have been the subject.

Varying accounts suggest that the teenaged male victim was of German descent, that Henry spoke to him in German, that he was related to a German neighbor, and that he had come with Union soldiers from Ohio. We may never know the true story. Did he do or say anything threatening which caused Henry's wife Betsy to leave the farm house and go to the field where Henry, son Conrad and hired men John Conrad and Hamilton Windon were cutting grass with scythes?

Henry was born during the time when Napoleon's armies were devastating Europe. He likely saw some of this devastation and certainly saw the outcome of these wars. He had every reason to be afraid that war and violence could come to his remote home, that his live stock if any and food could be taken and that his family could be injured or killed or thrown into desperate conditions and perhaps starvation.

Henry's two young children from his first wife, Catherine Yeagle Kuhl (1804-1854), Henry J. and Rebecca were likely at the farm house as was the two-year old child, George, born to Henry and Betsy.

Was it safe to leave them in the presence of this stranger?

Some accounts say that the stranger stated that he was "looking for ‘secesh' " (meaning secessionists) "with guns and good horses".

There was no reason to think that he was there just to be friendly. Perhaps he did have intentions of turning them in as southern sympathizers. Two of their sons were off fighting for the State of Virginia. This was likely revealed by the younger family members through innocent conversation. These were desperate times with an army from neighboring Ohio invading their state.

To learn more about theses events read: "Make an Example of Them" by Lila Powers at:

Sons Christian Kuhl (1839-1918) age 21 and John Kuhl (1842-1862) age 19, enlisted in the Gilmer Rifles organized by Methodist Minister John Elam Mitchell at Glenville, Gilmer County, Virginia on May 31, 1861. This organization would become Company D of the 31rst Virginia Volunteer Infantry CSA. The state of Virginia was the only government they knew. The federal government was some distant entity in Washington, D.C. With their minister as their Captain, how could anything go wrong? God was on their side. They were poor farmers and did not own slaves. They were fighting for the State of Virginia against an entity which might as well have been a foreign power.

Tragically, John was mortally wounded at the Battle of McDowell on May 8, 1862. Ironically, the Union Army hung Henry the next day on May 9, 1862 in Sutton. Ironically, the defeat may have contributed to Henry's death. The resounding defeat of Union forces under Milroy at McDowell by CSA forces under Stonewall Jackson had caused the Union Army to disgracefully retreat leaving dead and wounded on the battlefield. Union General Fremont even pulled his headquarters back from Charleston to Point Pleasant on the Ohio River. Union forces at Sutton, perhaps fearing a rescue attempt, may have hastened the execution of Henry and hired man Windon and rapidly disposing of their bodies in an unmarked grave. Their panic may have diminished the fear and threat they intended to instill and pose on civilians who opposed them.

John S. Conrad was later captured, then taken to Marion County where he was tried and sentenced to death for his part in the killing on July 31, 1861. The execution was never carried out and John was later pardoned. The kinder, gentler Union treatment of civilians was a little late to save Henry.

Conrad Kuhl (1836-1923) spent the rest of the war in Union prison camps at Camp Chase and Fort Delaware and was never made available for exchange. Conrad must have had a strong constitution because the page which lists him at Fort Delaware shows many prisoners dying from disease or starvation.

President Lincoln fired General Fremont for the second time for failing to follow his orders to treat the southern sympathizing civilian population in a more humane less brutal manner. Fremont's first military assignment under Lincoln was in the Kansas-Missouri Theater. His brutal treatment of civilians there may have inspired the deep resentment of the likes of Quantrill's Raiders and Jesse James. He was certainly no Desmond Tutu.

In another irony, Christian would serve in the Jones-Imboden raid in the spring of 1863 which burned Sutton and even crossed into Ohio collecting horses and cattle and other provisions to feed the southern army. This was a year after his father was hung at Sutton. Also ironically, confiscating property from southern as well as northern sympathizers likely did more to turn the population against the southern cause as all of the brutal treatment of civilians by Fremont.

To read more about Christian Kuhl's exploits see:

Outlines of the family are provided at:

Henry Kuhl (1802-1862)
Henry J. Kuhl/Cole (1846-1919)
Henry Harrison Kuhl/Cole (1860-1926)
Mariah ( Kuh l ) Rutherford (1862-1936) #26
Alice ( Kuh l ) Rutherford (1857-1947) #28
Rebecca (Kuhl) Stout (1849-1928) #782

Also see Find A Grave where obituaries, photographs of individuals, photographs of grave markers and other information are being displayed.

We eventually hope to have Find A Grave memorials for all family members linked together.

Conrad Kuhl (1836-1923) see: page=gr&GSln=kuhl&GSbyrel=all&GSdyrel=all&GSst=52&GScntry=4&GSob=n&GRi d=114395010&df=all&

Elizabeth "Betsy" Skidmore Ellison Kuhl (1830-1907) see: page=gr&GSsr=41&GScid=79773&GRid=110446609&

To: Tom Keenan, (WI 1949)

I enjoyed your comments in the WI August, 2013 newsletter about your ancestor James Keenan in Company C of the 31rts Virginia Volunteer Infantry, CSA.

My great grandfather Christian Kuhl (1839-1918) was in Company D of the 31rts Virginia Volunteer Infantry, CSA.

He wrote his memoirs in 1911. I offered them to Joy Gregorie DeFazio, WI class of 59 for posting by the Hackers Creek Pioneer Descendants (HCPD). Joy graciously posted them on the Internet at: Many have said to me, "Why did you give away such a valuable manuscript?" As it turned out, it had been published several times before but apparently only where serious scholars could find it.

As a result of publishing that manuscript, I have met many people interested in the Civil War. It has even resulted in a complete stranger finding a picture of my GGF on a glass plate preserved by the Library of Congress and e-mailing a copy of it to me.

I think that it is therefore reasonable to conclude that I have gained far more from sharing the memoires than I would have by keeping them to myself. From a legal viewpoint, there are many family members who have an equal right to ownership of the memoires. Also from a legal copyright viewpoint, they were compiled in 1911 which is well before a significant copyright law date of 1923 and well more than the present copyright law standard of 70 years past the author's death in 1918. The memoires are therefore now public domain and have been for over 20 years. Requesting permission to quote from them is now merely a matter of courtesy and not a copyright law requirement.

So, my advice to anyone who has a valuable family record of this type is to share it with everyone and not to hoard it.

One contact was writing a book on the 31rst VA, asked permission to quote from Christian's memoires and then asked for help with the manuscript. We both ran out of steam and the 800 page manuscript remains unfinished.

One thing which we did get accomplished was a compilation of the service records from the National Archives for all who served in the 31rst VA. The list is now sorted in alphabetical order. So, if you or anyone else has questions about others who served in the 31rst, I can probably help you.

Here is the record on James Keenan.

KEENAN, JAMES: Company C, private, from Harrison County, enlisted 5/21/61 at Clarksburg by Capt. Turner for 1 year. Printer, age 19. On June 5, 1861 Keenan was left by the side of the road from Philippi, sick. He returned to Harrison County and apparently did not re-join the regiment. In the 1860 census, James Keenan was listed as living in the residence of William P. Cooper, age 17, an apprentice, born in Ireland.

Source: Footnotes 1860 Census, National Archives, M653, Roll 1351, pp.764 & 767; Ashcraft, John M,, 31st Virginia Regiment, p.135

These records are also public domain but you will likely have to pay a fee to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in order to get a copy or visit a NARA branch to personally look up the information on microfilm. There are also some sites on the Internet such as Fold3 which may have the military records but may charge a fee to access. We can "get deep in the weeds" of details on where to get records really quickly with this discussion.

If you would like to pursue this on your own, I recommend that you contact the Harrison County Genealogical Society (HCGS) at and post a query and also the Hackers Creek Pioneer Descendants (HCPD) at and post a query. There are many additional places to research.

I just reread your letter. It does not look like I helped you any. One possible course of action is to look at other members of Company C, search the Internet for information on them, etc. If he was a spy, chances are that his old army buddies knew about it at some point and may have mentioned him in their memoires. This "data mining" approach is like searching for a needle which may not exist in a field full of haystacks. At least a computer will make Googling for the data fast.

North Central West Virginia is blessed with a fine collection of family histories called the Don Norman Files.

Don is originally from Gilmer County and is now a retired fireman living in Elyria, Ohio. Don has been working on the collection for over 30 years.

Go to

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on either A-M or N-Z for your family name of interest. Select the name and open the file.

These files were begun long before identity theft became a problem. So the files do include some information on living people.

If you are lucky enough to have your family included, it will go a long way toward helping you with your family research. However, there are errors in these records. Even as much research as I have done on my family, I am continuing to find errors. Always start with yourself and research each generation going back. Don't assume anything and look for accurate records.

Also, if your family is from West Virginia, go to the WV Div of Culture records at

There you will be able to access birth, marriage and death records. The search engine lets you search by name, county and date.

There are also sites for free software and free forms which you can use to aid your record collecting.


Jim Fragale writes about W. Va. Again.

Jim Fragale (WI, 1958) wrote about West Virginia again, this time in the online outlet called The Huffington Post.

You may remember he wrote about our state in the title tune of his 2011 CD/Album* called "Oil and Coal" where he mentions various counties around the state.

After that, he reminisced about life back home and how music affected his childhood in a Huffington Post blog called "Save the Music, Music, Music," a takeoff on Teresa Brewer song. He ends the "Music" article detailing his move to New York City and getting into the music business. (To read "Save the Music, Music, Music" Google: Huffington Post).

This time, he actually mentions Clarksburg and Bridgeport in a new effort called "Old! We Hate Old!" also, in The Huffington Post. [The link: old-old-we-hate-old_1_b_3570200.html. Or merely Google: Huffington Post: b). Type in "Old! We Hate Old" and then c). James A. Fragale – and, the article comes up]. "Oil and Coal."

OCTOBER 12, 2013

Washington Irving class of 1973 has scheduled their 40 year class reunion.

Saturday October 12, 2013 6:00 to 11:30 p.m.

Best Western (former Holiday Inn Bridgeport, WV)

Please check out CLASSMATES

or Facebook!/groups/599337030094883/

Washington Irving class of 1973 for more information or to make any inquiries.


submitted by: Jim Alvaro (WI '56)

I am ashamed that I didn't get the Louie Johnson's home. I was in the house many times. I delivered milk. For some reason I went around back and the rear door was left open so that I could put the milk in the refrigerator. That is as far as I got. I don't know why we couldn't deliver milk the regular way, placing the milk bottles on the front porch. We did play a lot of football on Johnson Field. We thought it was so big. It was big enough to build a house on the field. Spent a lot of time playing there and Elm Street Playground.

Many thanks to you, Judy, and Bill.

submitted by: Lynne F. Schatz (formerly, Marcia Lynne Fox) (WI '63)

Oh, my! How could I have missed the photo of the Johnson house? I grew up on Buckhannon Ave. Yes, there were white squirrels in cages and a story about how they came to get out (the Weaver twins were thought to have been involved - apologies to them if that rumor was false). There was also a lovely playhouse in back, and the housekeeper (whose name I once knew) let me have a key to it. It had been locked and unused for a long time, and I cleaned it. The curtains and ties were filthy so I washed them and hung them to dry, but a robin flew off with one of the ties before I could put a clothes pin on it. (Remember clothes lines? One outside and one in the basement.) SOOO embarrassing! Several years later, a bird's nest blew down in our yard, and the curtain tie had been made part of the nest. I was not able to return it - don't recall why but suppose that no one was home. After I'd left Clarksburg, one of the Johnson daughters (Lillian, I believe) returned to live in the house. The grounds were amazing! Of course, I didn't know of anyone else who had an actual gardener! There were two goldfish ponds - one a rustic affair to the side of the house, and another, more formal in the rear. In winter, I'd come over and be amazed that the goldfish (koi, I suppose) were alive even when it was very cold. In summer, I used to run through the huge lawn sprinklers when I was very young. But, I never saw the interior of the house - great to know that it is being well taken care of.

On Halloween, the housekeeper answered the door, and trick-or-treaters could choose one item from the tray she held. Even better was Mr. Gribble, two houses up the street, who would reach into his pocket for loose change and hand that out! A dime or a nickel was a lot then.

As one of the Le Carre characters put it, "Halcyon days!" We were so incredibly innocent. From first grade on, I walked home from Carlile twice a day, my grandfather having given me a ride to school in the morning and after lunch. No one thought twice about playing in the wooded vacant lots. What a free and unfettered existence summer was!. We found friends and played - or not - and came home for lunch and dinner. School came as a big and unwelcome shock each year. I've always felt a little sad that my son never had the sort of totally free-range childhood that I enjoyed.

I think that children focus so much more on what's important to them. To me, the huge tree was a source of beautiful (but inedible) chestnuts and a place to be under and look up. It definitely blocked the view of the house and probably needed to come down if it's no longer there. Yes, the Johnson house was huge (for Clarksburg) and quite grand, but it was never a place I ever wanted to live.

I wonder what happened to my mother's house (built ~1929 by her parents), across and up the street a bit. Maybe I'll see if I can contact the current owners - have some of the papers relating to buying the parcel, construction of the house, etc.

And, yes, I did read all the memories of the house. Knew about most of it.

Hm, wonder where Goff Plaza children go to school now. Carlile is long gone. Alta Vista, perhaps? If so, that's a walk! We were about the same distance from Carlile and Alta Vista - went to Carlile since pretty much everyone I knew was going there.

Will be in for my 50th reunion but not for long.

And so, by the time the next newsletter is out, I should have returned to Clarksburg for the first time in nearly 28 years. THAT should be interesting!

I see that one of the responses was from a John Petito, NDHS '64. Would that be Sonny Petito, who, for a time, lived on Main St, down the alley?

All the best, Roleta - thank you so much for all your work with the newsletter.

submitted by: Wayne White (WI '60)

This property is located at 317 Buckhannon Avenue. This is the estate of the late Lillian Johnson. Lillian was the daughter of Col Louis Johnson US Secretary of Defense under Harry S Truman 1949-1950.This property sits on 1.2 acres. Build in 1890. The house has 6 bed rooms-3.5 baths with 5,572 sq ft of living space. The house was build in 1860 by Thomas A Harrison and was purchased by the Johnsons in 1940. This a historical property with a lot of history....In 1913 Mr. Johnson along with his partner Philip Steptoe formed the law firm that is known as Steptoe & Johnson here in Clarksburg & Washington DC.

submitted by: Charles Ferrell (WI '46)

The photo of Louis Johnson's home in Clarksburg brought back memories of military conditions at the start of the Korean conflict.

Louis Johnson, the Secretary of Defense under President Truman and Assistant of War under President Roosevelt let the nation's tanks, ships and guns rust away since he was confident that these were obsolete in the Atomic Age. The book "Atomic America" by Todd Tucker contains information on this Secretary of Defense. Additional information on Louis Johnson can be found on GOOGLE.

On June 25, 1950 when the North Koreans began going over the 38th Parallel we found that we had few guns to stop them (Russian T 34 medium tanks). Our 2.3 inch bazooka rockets were not adequate to penetrate the thick armor. The light M-25 tanks we had there had smaller guns and thinner armor and were dug in to use as artillery in the retreat south. President Truman fired him on September 15, 1950.

There were four WI high school graduates drafted on December 4, 1950 and sent to the C-29 AIB Third Armored Division at Fort Knox, KY. We were housed in barracks that were vacant at the end of WWII. They were two story wooden buildings heated by coal fired furnaces. On the second floor of our barracks as much smoke as heat would come out of the vents. I asked our young cadre about opening windows to reduce the fumes but he said this was not allowed. I slept with my head under a sheet and blanket and a handkerchief over my nose. After a couple of weeks one of our GIs with breathing problems went in for evaluation and he was discharged for medical reasons. After a few weeks the piping was repaired.

Jerry Berman, one of our WI classmates was a large fellow and the army had no combat boots to fit him. He marched for several weeks in regular shoes. We had shortage of items such as mops, brooms and buckets which we needed to clear our barracks. When ours were stolen we asked our cadre about getting replacements from supply and were told that there were none and to go out on a moonlight raid of other company for our replacements, This we did and after using hid them under tarps in a coal bin.

Our instructors had little knowledge on the design and operation of the Russian T-34 tanks that the North Koreans were using. In a photograph of these tanks I noted two long cylindrical tanks on the tank hull. I asked what was in these tanks, water, gasoline or diesel fuel. The instructor said that it did not make any difference. I replied that it would make a difference to me if I was trying to disable it with infantry weapons. I later found that they were diesel oil tanks and that a small bazooka round might be able to penetrate the shell and put burning oil into the rear engine ventilation deck on the tank hull. We were trained with WWII infantry weapons including M-1s, grease guns, BARs , 2.3 inch bazookas, pistols, hand grenades, rifle grenades, land mines, poison gas protection and M-4 and M-24 tank operation. We fired all of the weapons except the 50 cal machine gun on the top of the tank turret. Our 2.3 inch bazooka were later replaced on the battlefield with a larger model which would stop the heavy armored tanks. We later shipped more modern tanks there to provide the firepower needed.

During basic training I was injured and confined to the barracks for a week, I found by accident in a waste basket a copy of the "Army Times" an article on the formation of a new Scientific and Professional Personnel Program looking for physicists engineers, chemists, etc. for military research programs. Being a recent graduate from Salem College with a major in physics, minor in math and teaching fields in chemistry I applied for the program and was sent to the US Army Chemical Center as a Physical Scientist. I was one of 1,000 GI SPPPs at this research facility. I spent two years as one of two GIs assigned to the Shielding Branch of the Radiological Division. At this time atomic weapon tests were being conducted in the Nevada Proving Ground. I assisted in research studies of infinite plane gamma radiation shielding, design of instrumentation to measure thermal radiation from atomic tests and evaluation of weapon fallout materials. I have about completed my book on my military experience and looking for a publisher. One of the reports on gamma radiation studies that I worked on has been declassified and is summarized in my book.

I will not be able to make the trip to Clarksburg for the last WI reunion this month. I was able to go to Morgantown for the last Wesley Foundation Reunion at WVU last year.

Next year my Masonic Lodge Hermon #6 will celebrate its 200th anniversary. This lodge was started by Stonewall Jackson's father after serving in the war of 1912 in 1814, I have been a member of this lodge for 63 years. I had the 14th degree when drafted and completed the 32nd degree while in service. I hope to be able to make this event.

FYI; I found the source of information in "Atomic America". Go to the search engine DuckDuckGo and type in Louis Johnson assistant secretary of war and and go to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. see page 3 "Failure in Korea". Charles Ferrell

Post Card from John Cooper (WI 1951)


submitted by: Bill Meredith (Monongah HS '57)

In the August Newsletter, you asked for people to write about coal mining towns around Clarksburg. I'm not sure that one would consider the Town of Monongah as being "around" Clarksburg, but it was less than 20 miles away in Marion County, so it may qualify.

My father did not work as a miner, but almost all of the men living in our town did. At one time, there were nine coal mines within two miles of town. Two of these mines were involved in the worst mining disaster in U.S history, when, on December 6, 1907 an explosion claimed the lives of 362 miners. This was the official count, but most people agreed that more than 500 were actually killed. The men who dug the graves counted over 500 bodies. The difference in numbers was probably because many young boys entered the mines illegally to help their fathers load the coal, since they were paid by the ton of coal actually loaded.

By the time I was born, there was only one coal mine left in town, Consol No. 63. It employed about 300-400 men at any given time and was a slope mine. That is, it did not require an elevator to get to the working area. It was also a very dry mine and had very little methane gas, which, along with coal dust, causes most of the explosions in mines.

The majority of the miners in Monongah were descendants of immigrants, who came to America in the early 1900's. Most of these were of Italian or Polish decent, with a few Russian, Serbian and Croatian families also living and working in the area. Many of the old timers still spoke their native language, but not the younger children. Their parents wanted them to only speak English, because they were Americans and Americans spoke English.

Below are some of the things I most remember about growing up in a coal mining town.

The men in town were tough. They were good fathers, but they were tough. Their children were raised on love and strict rules. The men worked hard and they expected their wives and children to do the same. I always admired that quality in them.

The young boys were also tough. They played hard and they played rough. When they went to high school, they were not always the biggest kids, but they were the toughest. This translated into excellent football teams. Everyone played football. One year, 105 out of 150 boys in the school went out for football.

The women could cook. Some of the best food I've ever eaten was prepared by the Mothers of my friends. I loved to go into their homes and just smell the wonderful aroma of dinner in the oven or on the stove.

It seemed like everyone was honest. There was almost no crime. Doors were always unlocked. My family didn't even have a key to the front or back door.

At least 95% of the families went to church on Sunday. It was just expected. Some of the young people balked on occasion, but their parents forced them to attend.

People got along. Sure, there were fights once in awhile, but no one held a grudge. Different races worked side by side without any problems. All men were equal in the mines.

Were there problems? Certainly. But, nothing like we have in today's society. Money was always scarce, but nobody went hungry. Clothes were usually hand-me-downs, but there were always new clothes at Easter time.

We had everything we needed, a post office, three barber shops, an A & P Store and several independent grocers, a dentist, a company doctor, a bank, a chief-of-police (only one policeman----he was it), three grade schools, a high school, several gas stations and bars, a union hall, six churches, a funeral home, a drug store and several restaurants. The churches included two Catholic Churches, one Italian and one Polish, which held mass on alternate Sundays, two Methodist Churches and two Baptist Churches.

I'll bet most of you, who grew-up in Clarksburg are saying, "That's the same way I remember our area". If so, it only proves that small coal mining towns were just about typical of every other town or city in West Virginia and should make us realize just how fortunate we all were to have grownup there.

The summer I turned 18, I entered the coal mines for summer work, but I'll save those stories for another newsletter.


submitted by: John Teter (WI '61)

The only thing that I know about coal mines is that the man that lived next to my parents on Broaddus Avenue for several years, used to work in the coal mines. His daughter is the friend that I wrote about earlier, as she and I have kept in touch even though she now lives in Saint Marys, Georgia and I live in Alexandria, Virginia. She told me that her father worked in a coal mine in the Elkins area primarily, but did work other mines in the Clarksburg area. He developed BLACK LUNG from working in the coal mines. I remember going over to their house to visit (mainly to see the daughter) and I can remember the father coughing and coughing and coughing. I originally thought that it was from his smoking, but learned later on that it was BLACK LUNG from working in the mines.

This knowledge of coal mines and my 3 month stint working at Union Carbon is why I now live in Alexandria, and worked with computers for 40 years, and now work as an accountant. "CLEAN JOBS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you know this young man? Tell us how you know him and add a memory. Send your guesses to


The 2014 WIN Scholarship Quilt will feature a beautiful Hoffman Company batik fabric which showcases an outline of the state of WV. Packets of the fabrics have ben sent out to your WIN quilters who continue to make such wonderful blocks for the WIN quilt each year. If there are any new quilters who would like to join this great fund raising project for the WIN Scholarship Fund, please contact either Mary Liz Carder or Sue Moats with your name, address and email contact info. or

Many THANKS to all who have generously supported this project to help provide further education for RCB HS students. Roleta will soon start selling tickets for the next quilt drawing which be held at the Clarksburg Picnic in Sarasota, FL on March 8, 2014. Thus far the WI Newsletter has given back $44,000.00 in scholarships to students.

by Lin Stricker


submitted by: Phyllis Jean Alton Nichols (WI '57)

I remember taking dancing from Mary Berger for just one year, and then took classes at school from Mr. Louie. I think his last name was Buttafuco or something like that. Spelling probably not right. Anyway, he formed a little dancing troupe he used to take to special functions. Terry and Jerry Warne, The Mazzies Dave and Augustine, Rose Ramona Rodriguez (who went on to open her own studio as Ramona Rose) and Garland Bailey and I. We danced everywhere!! My children took dancing from Bonnie McGowan a WI graduate, and back in the fifties, Bobby Driggers, also a WI student, taught dancing. I guess there have been a lot of dance teachers in Clarksburg over the years.


submitted by: Bob Williams (WI '45)

To Bill:

Watching the Little League World Series, which allows 13 yr. old players, makes me wonder how well Bob Secret and I would have done at the age 13, when we both were selected on the All-Star team in Babe Ruth League where the pitching mound is 60 ft. vs 44 ft. We both pitched no-hitters in Little League and hit 13 plus home runs at the age of 12. I am sure the same applies to players like our friend Mayf Nutter and others. Just a thought from we 70 yr.olders.

Fred Alvaro, W I 1959

Reply To Fred:

I think there are still age restrictions. I doubt that a player could start the season if he/she were 13 years old at that time. I think that if a player turns 13 during the season, he is allowed to finish the year. Perhaps some of the guys or gals who still are active in working with little league teams or players could confirm this for me.

I think you guys would have been great players in a LL World Series. Has a Clarksburg area team ever made it to Williamsport? As I recall, a team from Fairmont made it to a LL World Series in the 50's, but didn't win it. They did, however, win the Babe Ruth title a couple of years later. Maybe someone can let us know some of the history of the Harrison County youth baseball teams over the years. Fred, thanks for the note. I hope to hear from you again soon.

Bill (

To Bill (From Roleta):

This is probably too late for this month's newsletter, but in the March and April newsletter Barry Mazza and Mike King sent in pictures of the Little League teams my son Gregory played on. They wanted names etc and I still have not been able to get Gregory to look at the pictures, but he did tell me that Turk Wright was the coach of the first team he was on and I think that it was the Cities Service team. Gregory was still too young to play and he was too little for a uniform, but my husband ordered one for him from the Sports Shop on Main Street and Turk let him on the team.Turk was Mrs. McGahan's brother and Gregory and Frankie were good buddies. Then Bill Manley became coach of the Little League, that Gregory said was sponsored by the Moose. By that time, Gregory was old enough to play. He played shortstop. Bill coached for a long time. He and his wife Betty were so good to those kids. Gregory kept playing clear through the Babe Ruth team and was quite a pitcher. He pitched several no-hitters .I can't remember that coaches name right now. I do remember at the end of the seasons, there would be a big dinner at a place in Northview and awards would be given. Maybe this note will spark some more memories from the boys who played and were active in baseball at the time. Gregory still communicates with Bobby Secret and talks about the friends he played ball with on the different teams.

Arreta Radcliffe Jaranko, WI 1940

Reply To Arreta:

Thanks for the interesting note. I enjoyed reading it, especially the part about your husband buying a uniform to fit your son in Little League. I'm sure some of our readers remember those teams. Hopefully, we'll hear from them for next month's newsletter.

Bill (

Below is a link to an article, written by Dr. Keith Ablow, who compares Alex Rodriquez to present day America. In case you are not aware of it, Rodriquez is under suspension by Major League Baseball for apparently using performance enhancing drugs. He is appealing the suspension. This is interesting, even if you are not a baseball fan. cmpid=NL_morninghl


At a Touchdown Club meeting many years ago, Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant told the following story:

I had just been named the new head coach at Alabama and was off in my old car down in South Alabama recruiting a prospect who was supposed to have been a pretty good player, and I was having trouble finding the place. Getting hungry, I spied an old cinderblock building with a small sign out front that simply said "Restaurant." I pull up, go in, and every head in the place turns to stare at me. Seems I'm the only white fella in the place. But the food smelled good, so I skip a table and go up to a cement bar and sit. A big ole man in a tee shirt and cap comes over and says, "What do you need?" I told him I needed lunch and what did they have today?

He says, "You probably won't like it here. Today we're having chitlins, collard greens and black-eyed peas with cornbread. I'll bet you don't even know what chitlins are, do you?" (Chitlins are small intestines of hogs prepared as food in the deep South.)

I looked him square in the eye and said, "I'm from Arkansas, and I've probably eaten a mile of them. Sounds like I'm in the right place!"

They all smiled as he left to serve me up a big plate. When he comes back he says, "You ain't from around here then?" I explain I'm the new football coach up in Tuscaloosa at the University and I'm here to find whatever that boy's name was, and he says, "Yeah I've heard of him, he's supposed to be pretty good." And he gives me directions to the school, so I can meet him and his coach.

As I'm paying up to leave, I remember my manners and leave a tip, not too big to be flashy, but a good one, and he told me lunch was on him, but I told him for a lunch that good, I felt I should pay. The big man asked me if I had a photograph or something he could hang up to show I'd been there. I was so new that I didn't have any yet. It really wasn't that big a thing back then to be asked for, but I took a napkin and wrote his name and address on it and told him I'd get him one.

I met the kid I was looking for later that afternoon and I don't remember his name, but do remember I didn't think much of him when I met him. I had wasted a day, or so I thought. When I got back to Tuscaloosa late that night, I took that napkin from my shirt pocket and put it under my keys so I wouldn't forget it. Back then I was excited that anybody would want a picture of me. The next day we found a picture and I wrote on it, "Thanks for the best lunch I've ever had."

Now, let's go a whole bunch ‘a years down the road. Now we have black players at Alabama and I'm back down in that part of the country scouting an offensive lineman we sure needed. Y'all remember, (and I forget the name, but it's not important to the story). Well anyway, he's got two friends going to Auburn and he tells me he's got his heart set on Auburn too, so I leave empty handed and go on to see some others while I'm down there. Two days later, I'm in my office in Tuscaloosa, and the phone rings, and it's this kid who just turned me down, and he says, "Coach,do you still want me at Alabama ?"

And I said, "Yes I sure do!" And he says OK, he'll come.

And I say, "Well son, what changed your mind?"

And he said, "When my grandpa found out that I had a chance to play for you and said no, he pitched a fit and told me I wasn't going nowhere but Alabama, and wasn't playing for nobody but you. He thinks a lot of you and has ever since y'all met."

Well, I didn't know his granddad from Adam's housecat so I asked him who his granddaddy was and he said, "You probably don't remember him, but you ate in his restaurant your first year at Alabama and you sent him a picture that he's had hung in that place ever since. That picture's his pride and joy and he still tells everybody about the day that Bear Bryant came in and had chitlins with him ..."

"My grandpa said that when you left there, he never expected you to remember him or to send him that picture, but you kept your word to him and to Grandpa, that's everything. He said you could teach me more than football and I had to play for a man like you, so I guess I'm going to."

I was floored. But I learned that the lessons my mama taught me were always right. It don't cost nuthin' to be nice. It don't cost nuthin' to do the right thing most of the time, and it costs a lot to lose your good name by breaking your word to someone.

When I went back to sign that boy, I looked up his Grandpa and he's still running that place, but it looks a lot better now. And he didn't have chitlins that day, but he had some ribs that would make Dreamland proud. I made sure I posed for a lot of pictures; and don't think I didn't leave some new ones for him, too, along with a signed football.

I made it clear to all my assistants to keep this story and these lessons in mind, when they're out on the road. If you remember anything else from me, remember this. It really doesn't cost anything to be nice, and the rewards can be unimaginable.

Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant

Referring to an article about Jerry West, written by Mickey Furfari, which appeared in the Fairmont Times/West Virginian, George Cinci wrote:

Gives me goose bumps to remember listening to the games on the radio in my bed with the team photograph from the "Dino the Dinosaur" gas station that Dad would pick up for me every year.

"Those Were the Days"

George Cinci, W I 1960

Reply To George:

I certainly can identify with your memories. I have been listening to Mountaineer basketball broadcasts since the late 40's. Win or lose, I never tire of the thrill of WVU basketball. To read the article, click on the link below. WVU-career

Bill (


In the August Newsletter, I asked the readers to write to me and give me their predictions of how the WVU football team would do this fall. After some prodding, I got several responses and twelve actually took a guess at the final record. Following are the responses of those took a shot at this tough question. Some are very short and some go into a good bit of detail, but ALL ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED. I give my thoughts at the end of the list.

To Bill:

I didn't answer your question in the newsletter because it is almost impossible to predict what the Mountaineers will do in football this year. Will we have a defense? We had three of the best skill players in the country last year and look what happened. And, is Holgerson a good coach or not? I really don't know. These teams are like family to me. Most of the time, I can't even watch the games. I hate doing this, but, I think six and six might be the best we can do. Boy, do I hope I am wrong.

There is a lot of negativity about the whole program in the area of West Virginia where I live. You don't hear a good word said about Luck. I know he had to find a conference for us somewhere, but, we aren't where we should be. And, he is pricing the average person out of the ticket buying market. The $20 charge for parking at basketball games is a sore spot, too. I know a lot of long time ticket holders who are just not going to go to games.

Again, I sure hope I am wrong, but, I predict a lot of empty seats at football games in the next couple years.

The same may be true for basketball. It is not a good time to be a Mountaineer fan.

I went to WVU when Jerry West was a Sophomore and a Junior. Those were the days my friend.

Lyle Corder, RW 1957


To Bill:

Make it 7--5 please.

Bob Swiger, W I 1961


To Bill:

The Bleacher report has WVU at 4-8. They might get a lot of funds from the Big Twelve, but they cannot compete with them. I am an OK alum.

Augie Malfregeot, W I 1956


To Bill

I'm writing this before we have the depth charts and guessing that Trickett will be the starting QB. Since the guy playing in front of him at FSU is now starting in the NFL, he could be legit. Of course, the same could be said of Millard. The RBs appear to be OK, with Sims a recognized NFL-to-be runner. I have always believed that the O-line makes the RBs stardom so the key to our offense will be the O-lines ability to make holes and pass block. Not sure what we have up front. With Holgs system, we should have a sufficient receiving corp. After last year's dismal performance on Defense, we have to get better. But better is relative. Right now I have no idea the capabilities of our Defense in any position, except we appear to have shored up our LBs with JC transfers. Mountaineer special teams are always a disaster waiting to happen. On paper our kickers are sufficient. Last year's coaching staff was really bad. We did upgrade this year, but the players may need more time than fall practice to show improvement. If the Defense can hold teams to under 35 pts per game, we may win a few in the Big 12. Making a forecast is really difficult………..I will go with 7-5 since I am a loyal FANatic. (and assuming we beat Bill & Mary, handily)

Don Sager, WI 1956, WVU 1964


To Bill

Interesting question....they are kind of under the radar and not expected to do well, at all. I think that they may surprise some teams, but it will all come down to defense. I know that the quarterback situation is "up-in-the-air", (no pun intended), but surely the talent is there to choose from. Like most WVU teams from the recent and not-so-recent past, they will win a game that they were not supposed to, but will lose a game or two which they should have won. What's new? I think that they will end up under .500 by a game and may go to a minor bowl. (Pretty radical prediction, eh?)

Stu Cashman,


To Bill:

I feel that WVU will have a 7 and 5 season this year. I think the addition of some quality transfers will definitely help the team. I think the coach is pretty good and will be a plus. I think last year was a first year in the conference and a learning year for West Virginia. Last, I think that West Virginia is always under whelming to these schools, but as Oklahoma found out a couple of years ago, they can be a pretty good football team and the conference will learn not to underrate them in the future.

Football analyst expert---

Bernie Cohen, W I 1956


To Bill:

I really do not follow the E'eers closely, but given their terrible defense, I can only think they will win 7 or 8 games. Should handle non-conference opponents with only Maryland giving them any contest at all. Of their 9 conference games I see them maybe winning 4 or 5. Losing Geno Smith has to hurt, but they always find someone to be QB. I am told they are renewing the old rivalry with my Hokies down the road a few years. Go Hokies!

Bob Teter, W I 1960


To Bill:

What I know about the Mountaineers' season is what I read instead of talking to the "knowers" back home. Of the few I've talked with, they seem to say, "They are going to surprise everyone and win more than people expect." I don't know what people are expecting, but almost everything I read shows them 6-6, 4-8, 5- 7, and one, 8-4. What worries me is that a team as good as they were last year, averaging approximately 39 points per game on offense, yielded approximately 38 points on defense. Now, after losing eight starters on offense, including Geno Smith, Tavon Austin, and Steadman Bailey, how can we think they could do much better than last years 7-6, including the Pinstripe Bowl?? Their road schedule with Oklahoma, Baylor, Kansas State, and TCU doesn't help much either. Also I read where they are a 10 point underdog in home games against Oklahoma State and Texas. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mountaineers and I'll pull for them until "it ain't over, till it's over." I'll still fly my WVU football flag out front and in the rear of my house among the neighborhood ND, FL, GA Tech, Auburn, TN, FL State fans during every game and be damn proud of them. I'll predict them going 5-7 but would love to see them at 8-4.


Jim Alvaro, WI 1956


To Bill

I think it's going to be a while before they are competitive in the Big 12. They will be lucky to reach .500, even with the William and Mary's on the schedule.

Jim Hovey, W I 1962


To Bill:

With everything going on with me this year, I am not very well prepared for football yet this year, but that is no real difference from the years that I thought I was prepared and didn't come very close! But I am an eternal optimist with the Mountaineers and I think they have more than I know about. I am going to pick some of the home games as WVU upsets and I don't think the away games are going to be very friendly. I pick WVU to beat the following: W&M, Ga. St. Maryland (????), Tex Tech(???), TCU, Kansas, & Iowa ST.(?) Then, we have the losses and some of those could be embarrassing this year! Oklahoma, Ok ST, Baylor, Kans. St, TEXAS, (!!!), That leaves us at 7 & 5. I will be happy with that. If we get a bowl game (I don't think so), then another loss, so 7-6 for the year. I hear about some silent recruits & transfers... I hope so. Anyway, I am looking forward to another season.

Go EERS !!

Pat Elder, ND 1957


To Bill

This is sweet and short. Our Mountaineers are in trouble. Their offense can't be close to what they were last year. Losing three of the best players in the country in Smith, Austin and Bailey are pretty hard to replace. We lost about eight starters on offense and the defense should be a little better, but when you give up as many points as they did last year, it is really an obstacle to overcome. I think they will be 5 wins and 7 losses. The climate that they play in and the smaller stadium is hard to recruit. The great 4 and 5 star players go to a warmer climate. Bill, even our second favorite team Ohio State has a hard time getting many 5-star recruits.

All I can say let's hope I'm wrong.


Bud Collins, WI 1955


To Bill: Good to see you and Roleta for a short time at the picnic. A little on this season......I believe that the defense will be in the top 20 in the country, since they have at least four athletes that will play on Sundays. The offense will play a lot slower the first 6 games, running the ball with a bevy of ball carriers and the Sims boy from Houston is special. This will let a very athletic defense go over mistakes during the exchanges and get some much needed confidence as a unit. Sims will be like Austin was last year, taking some short passes to the house. Special teams need to be special if WVU is going to have a decent season. Quarterback will be Trickett, but look out for Childress. They don't bring them from Texas to sit on the bench. Wish I felt more confident, but so much is speculative with so many unknowns....many thanks to you and Ro for the newsletter...pretty neat.



First, I'd like to thank all of those who replied to my request. As we always say, you are the newsletter.

There is really not a lot that I can add to what has been written by our readers. If you remember the great teams under Don Nehlen, all of them had an experienced offensive line, made up of mostly 5th year seniors. This year's team has only one returning starter on the offensive line. That tells me something. No great running back or quarterback became great without a great line in front of him. We don't have a great O-line---yet. The QB position will be adequate, but not explosive. So, with an improved defense, a good stable of running backs and a better coaching staff, I can see a break even year---maybe 7--5. However, if injuries hit key positions, I can see a disaster in the making.

Finally, I need to say a few words about Oliver Luck. I realize that there are thousands of WVU fans, who do not like what he has done and is continuing to do as the athletic director in Morgantown. Many think that we do not belong in the Big 12 Conference. I agree. However, it was the "only game in town", so Luck took it. The preferred league was the ACC, but they didn't want us when they were formed, they didn't want us when they expanded and they don't want us now. Neither does the SEC or Big Ten. It was either the Big 12 or stay in the Big East, which no longer exists as a football conference. We've got to face the facts. It's all about money. Mr. Luck has brought us into the 21st century. We may not like it, but if WVU is to survive as a major player in college sports, we had better support him. The days of free parking and cheap tickets are over. Just like the pros, the college game is being taken over by corporations. It's tough for us to swallow, but the almighty dollar has driven even WVU to realize this and it's not going to change.

As always, please write to me about this or any sports subject at



Nancy Byard Unger (WI '62)
Rebecca Allen Ausmus (WI '70)
H Gregory Jaranko (WI '60)
Susan Madia
Janet Haney Wilkinson (WI '75)
Sandi White Rutherford. (WI '60)
Mike Snyder (WI '57)
Jane Burnside Anderson (WI '56)
Beverley Brown (WI '56)
Sam Whyte (WI '57)
Anthony Selario (WI '57)
Bob Westbrook (WI '58)
Barbara Kroll (WI '79)
Wade Coffindaffer (WI '68) was:
is now:



Name the playgrounds in Clarksburg in the 1950s-60s. Name any you can remember…thanks.

Write to


Can you remember Frank's Barber Shop located on South Second Street and the
Stonewall Barber Shop on South Third Street?
Can you name some other barber shops in and around Clarksburg?
What do you remember about the hair styles of the 1950's?
What did it cost you back then to get you hair cut?
What hair care products did you use? (Brylcreem, Butch wax, Viltalis, etc.)

Write to


The 2013 WIN Scholarships were awarded to Abbie Wilfong who will be attending Glenville State University and to Teague Wagner who will be attending Alderson Broaddus University. I sent a check for $1,500.00 to the student account of each recipient at their individually chosen university. The check was for the first semester and in December, I will write a second check for the remainder of the $3,000.00 scholarship. This money is used for tuition, lab fees, books, and educational expenses. Thanks to those who give so generously to the scholarship.

This month I received a check from Margaret Cleavenger McIntyre (WI 1963) Thank you Margaret.

If you would like to be a part of this, just send a check or money order made out to:
Roleta Meredith c/o WIN Scholarship

And mail to me at:

Roleta Meredith
3025 Switzer Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43219

WIN stands for Washington Irving Newsletter

The scholarships are awarded to R C Byrd graduates each year.



Civil war encampment at Clarksburg in Western Virgina


submitted by: Brooke Beall (NDHS '58)


submitted by: John Teter (WI '61)

I think that the funniest incident that I experienced when I was attending WI, followed my friend Bill and I being at a dance. After leaving the dance (or whatever) Bill was driving down the Expressway in his dad's 55 Ford and somewhere along the way John Cork pulled up next to Bill. The two of them got to "horsing around" and that led to a "drag race" to see who could get to the Chestnut Street exit first. John was in another 55 Ford, but it was a more "hot rod" version, and was the first one to navigate the exit. BUT, the THIRD PARTY to join the "drag race" were two Clarksburg City Police officers. I can remember them pulling Bill over; one of the officers jumping out of the police car; and the other taking off after John. I even remember the officer that jumped out to deal with Bill dropped his flashlight on the street. Needless to say, Bill and John were both escorted to the City Police Station and arrested for "drag racing". I had to go along for the ride, but I still am not quite sure why, as I was not arrested.

So, here comes the funny part of this story. Bill and John were told that for $??$ amount of money, they were free to leave and take their cars with them. So, they talked me into driving Bill's car down to my house on Broaddus Avenue and getting enough money from my parents to get them out of jail. SO, I get in Bill's car to drive to my house, and then it came to my mind that I had NEVER DRIVEN A STICK SHIFT CAR! Well, I somehow managed to get down to my house, woke my mother, got enough money to get the guys out of jail; and then came the real test. My parents lived at the bottom of Broaddus Avenue and I somehow had to manage driving Bill's car back up to the police station – CLUTCH AND ALL. Somehow, I did manage, but I am sure that I woke half of the neighbors around my house, but fortunately not my father. By the time that I got back to bail Bill and John out, I was a total nervous wreck. BUT, I did manage without tearing out the transmission.

SO, when it came time for me to buy my first car, I went to Buckhannon and ordered a 1965 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport, with (you probably guessed it) a three speed transmission on the floor. I can remember the day that I went into the dealership in Buckhannon to pick up the car as they had it parked in the SHOW ROOM. After taking care of all of the paperwork, the salesman asked me if I wanted to drive the car out of the showroom and being the proud owner of the car, I said "YES". I managed to get the car out of the showroom without tearing up anything and/or the car, but I did see two black tire marks behind me.


submitted by: John Teter (WI '61)

I do remember Coplin Corder teaching Industrial Arts during my tenure at Central Junior High, but there was a second Industrial Arts teacher there at the same time. IF my memory serves me correct, the second Industrial Arts teacher was a Mr. Ramsey (I think), which is the one that I had during both of my years at Central. I remember making three tables for the hallway at my parents' house, and it took me portions of both years to complete the three tables. The main reason that it took me portions of those two years was that one of the tables was so big, that in order for me to work on it and sand it down I HAD TO SIT ON IT, on top of one of the work benches in the Industrial Arts building adjacent to Central. All three of those tables adorned the hallway in my parents' house for many a year, but eventually one of the tables was replaced by the front door and moved to the basement. But the other two tables remained in place right up to the day that we moved my mother's stuff out of the house several years ago. All three tables were taken for auction, as I did not have a place to put them in my house, here in Alexandria, Virginia. I do remember that Mr. Ramsey at some point in his career at Central cut off one of his fingers while working on one of the electric saws in the shop, but I think that I had already moved on up to WI.


submitted by: John Cooper (WI '51)

At one time there were 5 theaters in Clarksburg, then only 4 for many years in the 1940's and 1950's. The Orpheum on Main Street and Moore's Opera House on 4th Street played the second run movies with a Serial. For many years admission was around 17 cents. The first run Robinson Grand that was destroyed by fire and re-built and the Warner Brother's Ritz charged the higher prices of around 50 cents. When "Gone With the Wind" at the Grand had a ticket price of $1.00 many would not pay that "ridiculous price just for a movie"

The Moore's Theater when first opened, used large discs with the sound that had to be cued exact to run and furnish the audio for the film. Many times when a streetcar roughly crossed the tracks from Pike Street onto 4th Street in from of the theatre, the needle would jump a disc track and had to be manually re-set while the film was running. Mr. Moore, owner of the Opry House had his apartment in part of his theater. He had a door in his apartment above the theater that opened directly into the theater balcony. After falling and suffering a heart attack on the street in Pittsburgh, and later dying, his wife continued to live in the apartment, even after the theater closed. The final Moore's owner asked me to host the tours of the old theater one weekend after it had closed but before being torn down. Surprising all of us, an unbelievable large crowd came to stand on the stage and visit the dressing rooms beneath the stage. A long time family friend and neighbor of mine who had been a companion to Mrs. Moore in her final days allowed me privately to go through the apartment while I was hosting the tours. Many wonderful pieces of furniture remained as well as many old movie posters. I still wonder what happened to them.

The Opry House was indeed named correctly. Early opera stars played there. Extravagant, expensive "Live" musical touring stage shows were offered, as well as big stars from Hollywood. Al Jolson, Gene Autry, the great magician Houdini, song writer and Irving Berlin were just a few of many who appeared there. Later years I was in the audience with many popular movie film stars whose films were seen regularly on the screen at the Moore's. Many like Rex Allen, Smiley Burnette and especially favorite "Wild" Bill Elliott when I got to yell from the audience, "Bill, why do you wear your two bone handle 6 shooters backwards?" And he answered, "To be different than the other cowboy stars." Bill years later retired to Las Vegas doing a week-day "live" TV kids show that was directed by Buzz Floyd (Victory 1956), who worked earlier at WBOY-TV. And remember those strange big tall narrow doors that opened on Trader's Alley where the big theater scenery flats could slide in so easily onto the Moore's stage? The Moore's was also used as the "court house" for the Harry Powers trial because the new Harrison County Court House was being built at the same time. The jury was dismissed to the dressing rooms under the stage to decide that Powers was guilty.

Picture submitted by: Tim Cork (WI '62)


Another year has passed
And we're all a little older.
Last summer felt much hotter,
And winter seems much colder.

There was a time not long ago
When life was quite a blast.
Now I fully understand
About 'Living in the Past'

We used to go to weddings,
Football games and lunches.
Now we go to funeral homes
And after-funeral brunches.

We used to have hangovers,
From parties that were crazy.
Now we suffer body aches,
We're sleepy and we're lazy.

We used to go out dining,
And couldn't get our fill.
Now we ask for doggie bags,
Come home and take a pill.

We used to often travel
To places near and far.
Now we get sore behinds
From riding in the car.

We used to go to nightclubs
And drink a little booze.
Now we stay home at night
And watch the evening news.

That, my friend is how life is,
And now my tale is told.
So, enjoy each day and live it up...
Before you're too darn old.


submitted by: Janet Wilkinson (WI '75)

I truly enjoyed reading the August newsletter. It will be interesting to learn more about the WI 100th year celebration, and I would love to be involved. Living in Maryland might limit what I can do, but who knows. Maybe just send out invitations.

I also enjoyed reading about the changing school rivalries in sports. In my memories there was no other heated contest like the ones between Victory and WI. Since I was in the band, I played at all the home games, and I remember being a little scared to walk around in my band uniform during the game. This was because before the football game, some of us would "defend the wall" at the school. That is, when the boys and girls from Victory would drive by shouting something worse than "Down with WI," we would hurl our own prophetic rhymes (uh, not the cheerleading kind). Hey, this was 1971!

An even more vivid memory was the day that I started attending Victory because my family moved out of WI's school district. When I went to the band hall, someone told me to find my uniform amongst the others hanging in a room, and that is how I could join the band. No one even asked if I could play my instrument. This was quite a difference from the grueling solo in front of the nearly 200 member marching band at WI. That was the last day I attended Victory. I told my mom that I would quit school if I could not go back to WI. Between her and Mr. Goodwin (God bless his tender heart!), I was allowed to return to WI to complete high school.

Another memory I have is when I was 8 or 9 years old, and I used to travel with my grandfather who drove the bus for Salem High School and was the manager and mechanic at the bus garage. He would sometimes take the band to their marching parades, and I tagged along, probably with my grandmother. My Aunt Roberta was also in the band, mid 60's. She carried one end of the high school banner. I loved hearing her white marching boots scuff to the drummer's beat on the city streets; I still love boots today and wear them year round. Of course, getting to watch the parade was the second best part of the trip. Sitting behind my grandpa on the bus while he opened and shut the bus doors then bumped down the rode with all the big kids was the best! If anyone went to school in Salem during that time and a few decades before and after, they would know my grandfather, Willard Morgan. I would love to hear any stories from Salem High School students who rode on his bus in all those years he drove. I made a shadow box containing a miniature metal, yellow school bus, a smaller framed black and white photo of Grandpa Morgan standing beside Bus #24, and a larger photo with Bus No. 30 in the background. Grandpa is dressed in his school bus uniform, starched and pressed and wearing his bus driver hat. I miss those years with him; he was my hero.

If ever there was a teacher that I feared, it was Miss Nutter, my Latin teacher at WI. Her class was an immersion into the ancient Roman world where I could never seem to rise above being a plebian (not the favored class in Roman society). I will say that the effort in learning the language paid off later in college when I took a few semesters of French and majored in English. Those romance languages tend to be at the root of many of our words, excuse the pun, so my vocabulary was a bit above average. Thank you, Miss Nutter! Oh, but I'm still a plebian, not a patrician, try as I might.

Thanks, again, for the history and the present news from the contributors to the WI newsletter.


By Bob Stealey | August 21, 2013 from Bob'n'Along with Bob Stealey

Check out news and other articles by Bob at

Printed by permission from Bob Stealey (WI 1964)

In most every city or town in West Virginia--you'd also encounter them in other states--there's a certain section of the community where you would pass in front of a "line" of beautiful old homes that have stood for well over 100 years. In fact, some of them may come close to being 200 years old. In Morgantown, you might find them in the South Park section of town. Over in Parkersburg, many of them are on Market Street and Juliana Street, among others. Fairmont boasts such old homes along Locust Street or on Fairmont Avenue.

But here in Clarksburg, of course, you'd find them on both sides of East Main Street, heading east, between Monticello Avenue and South Oak Street. Most of them are of the Victorian style of architecture, which are known for turning the heads of many a sightseer.

"Quality Hill" is the name affectionately given to the section of Clarksburg that includes these handsome structures, and the name is certainly not an exaggeration, by any means.

Today, I thought that I'd mention some of the fine old Quality Hill residences. The material I've used to describe these homes was taken from a commemorative map with the title "Harrison County Celebrates 1863-2013: West Virginia Sesquicentennial," a City of Clarksburg walking or driving tour--there are four of them in all--that no visitor to our fair city should be without.

It's based on the 1984 map that was compiled and printed by the Harrison County Bicentennial Committee.

So let's start at the foot of the hill, shall we, at 141 East Main Street, where you'd see the Maxwell-Duncan House, which has been the home of former Clarksburg City Councilman Martin Shaffer.

The Maxwell-Duncan House was built in approximately 1872 by Edwin M. Maxwell, father of Judge Haymond Maxwell and purchased by George Lee Duncan at the turn of the 20th century.

The house, in the Italianate-style, remained in the Duncan family into the 1970s. Sloan and Balderston of Philadelphia were the architects of the home.

At 151 East Main Street is the William Freeman House, which is an example of the Victorian-style, sometimes called Carpenter's Gothic.

The Freeman House was built in the early 1870s and remained in one family for more than a century.

On the opposite site of the street and virtually opposite of the Freeman House stands the Paul Robinson House, at 154 E. Main St. Paul M. Robinson was a pro-tem clerk of the Harrison County Circuit Court at some time during the era of 1809-1939.

Robinson's Classical Revival home, with its Beaux-Arts detailing, was constructed shortly before 1910.

Then at 217 East Main Street, on the east side of Maple Street, is the George Bastable House. Bastable was a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of West Virginia-- also known as the West Virginia Bank--in the late 1860s to early 1930s.

Built at the beginning of the 1860s and remodeled extensively in the early 1900s, the Bastable House was the residence of John Koblegard, a native of Denmark and, for many years, a generous, leading figure in Harrison County.

On the south side of the street, at 227 East Main Street, was the Nathan J. Coplin House. Mr. Coplin's ancestors had farmed in Harrison County since the early 1770s.

A century afterward, Nathan Coplin was the only homeowner on Quality Hill to earn his living from farming.

During the War Between the States, some members of his family were sent to Camp Chase for allowing the Jones raiders to butcher and carry away Coplin beef.

At 240 East Main Street is the Virgil Highland House, a fine example of Victorian Romanesque design. It was constructed a short time after the turn of the 20th century for banker and Republican Party eminence Virgil Highland.

This particular home was the work of the architectural firm of Holmboe & Lafferty.

The Burton Despard House, at 329 East Main Street, has for many years been the location of the Davis-Weaver Funeral Home. It was built around 1856 by Col. Burton Despard, a South sympathizer.

In later years, it was the home of Duncan Despard, Samuel R. Harrison Sr. and Dr. James Bowcock.

R.D. Wilson and Sons owned the house from 1919 until 1926. Jennie Wilson made her home there until 1939, after which it soon became Davis-Weaver Funeral Home.

The James Clifford House was located at 270 East Main Street. James Clifford built the house in 1880 of brick that was kilned on the property.

The house was passed on to Clifford's daughter, Anna Clifford Brennan; then to her son, Dr. James T. Brennan, and to her daughter, Bernadette.

The house remained in the family until it was sold to the American Legion around 1970. It was built on land acquired from the Jacksons and was used as a corral for Union horses during the War Between the States.

Of course, not every house on Quality Hill has here been identified or described. These are but a few of them. Hopefully, you've regarded this mini-literary tour as informative.



James "Jim" Ronald Stewart, age 79, of Bridgeport, WV, passed away on Friday, July 19, 2013, at Salem Center Genesis Healthcare Center in Salem, WV.

He was born April 10, 1934, in Anmoore, WV, a son to the late Clarence B. Stewart and Virginia (Carder) Stewart.

He is survived by his two sons, Alan Stewart and his wife, Won, of Radcliff, KY, and Robert Stewart of Anmoore, WV; a daughter, Jammie Grover-Lovewell and her husband, John, of Greensville, PA; four stepdaughters, Janna Talkington and her husband, Alex of Clarksburg, WV, Dona Robinson of Clarksburg, WV, Sandra Payne of Clarksburg and Patty Spencer and her husband, Rodney; seven grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Peggy Saas of Bridgeport, WV, and Alma Deem of Clarksburg, WV; son-in-law, Jonathan Newhouse of Greensville, PA; his second wife, Barbara Brezee of Greensville, Pa.; and his third wife, Marlene Payne of Taylor County.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Mae George; two sons, Lennie and Mark Stewart; a brother, Elvin Stewart; and a daughter, Terri Newhouse.

Jim was a 1952 graduate of Victory High School. Mr. Stewart was the owner/operator of Union 76 Gas Station in Bridgeport, Lakeside Market near Maple Lake and Jimmy Stewart's Unlimited and U-Haul in Taylor County. He also worked for Mountaineer Auto Auction, where he transported automobiles until his retirement in 2005.


Sarah Jean "Jeanie" Hyman passed away on July 23, 2013, at her residence in the Summit Park Community, Clarksburg, following a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer.

Jeanie, the daughter of the late Allie and Lucy Ellison Hyman, was born on March 5, 1934. She was born at the original family home place in Summit Park and resided there all of her life with her parents and brother, Burton Hyman.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her three brothers, Sam, Hassan "Skip", and Joseph Hyman; four sisters, Mae Dixon, Ethel Mitchell, Mabel Sandy and Helen Burnside; brothers-in-law Charles Dixon, Charles "Jack" Sandy and Edward Burnside; sisters-in-law, Marie and Genevieve Hyman; and one nephew, Matthew Hyman.

She is survived by her brother, Burton Hyman, Clarksburg, and sister-in-law, Loretta Jean Hyman, Stonewood; and 24 nieces and nephews and their families.

Jeanie graduated from Victory High School in 1952 and served for many years on the reunion committee. She worked at Woolworth's for three years before a 32-year career at Ideal-Sayre Studio as a colorist, portrait artist and behind-the-scenes coordinator for portrait settings. Many high school graduates may remember her as the person responsible for production of their graduation pictures. She also was known for her artistic talents in restoration work and oil paintings.


Tonya Lynn Jenkins Devericks, 47, of Clarksburg, passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning, July 24, 2013, in Ohio Valley Medical Center following an extended illness.

She was born in Clarksburg on November 23, 1965, a daughter of Ed Jenkins and the stepdaughter of Lois, who survive in Bridgeport, and the late Loretta L. (Hammitt) Poling and the stepdaughter of Gary Poling, who survives in Clarksburg.

Also surviving are two daughters, Cristina Nicole Jenkins, Clarksburg, and Shawna Lindsay Devericks, Bridgeport; a brother, George E. "Eddie" Jenkins II, Clarksburg; aunts and uncles, Martha Hammitt, Clarksburg, Bill Jenkins, Lost Creek, Warren Jenkins, Anmoore, Charlotte Knight, Grafton, and Darlene Wright, Grafton; numerous cousins; and a very good friend who was like a sister, Genelda, complete her family.

In addition to her mother, she was preceded in death by a sister in infancy, Pamela Sue Jenkins; her paternal grandparents, Charles and Pearl Jenkins; her maternal grandparents, Lawrence and Helen Hammitt; her Aunt Bev Cunningham; and an uncle, Kenny Hammitt.

Tonya was a graduate of Liberty High School, Class of 1984, and was also a graduate of WV Business College as a Medical Assistant. She had previously worked at the Exxon in Wilsonburg and at Heartland Nursing Home as a CNA.


Eileen Dorothy Coyne Coleman, 89, of Clarksburg, died Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at 12:53 a.m. in the Weirton Medical Center.

She was born in Clarksburg, on January 13, 1924, a daughter of the late Henry Christopher and Mary Aloysius Coughlin Coyne.

She was preceded in death by her husband, George Leo Coleman.

She is survived by one son, Timothy Coleman and wife Ann of Morgantown; one daughter, Mary Anne Boyd of Follansbee; 10 grandchildren, Sean Coleman, Colleen Fishter, Chris and Michelle Coleman Weekley, Simon and Mary Elizabeth Coleman Wootton, Jonathan Boyd, Christy Osborne, Roger and Erin Boyd Keenan, Erik and Heather Boyd Yater, Brendan Coleman and financée Rachel McCoy, Brian and Brittany Coleman LaRue; two great-grandchildren, Tommy Boyd and Lilly Wootton; two step grandchildren, John and Pam Thomas and Brian and Jamie Thomas. Eileen is also survived by a sister-in-law, Jean Coleman and by a brother-in-law, Pete Kates, along with several nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by two sons, Michael and Arthur Coleman; two brothers, John H. Coyne and Arthur E. Coleman; three sisters, Mary Catherine Coyne, Marcelline Aucremanne and Gloria Kates.

Eileen was a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church; a graduate of St. Mary's High School and worked for McNichol Pottery. She had worked for over 20 years for the Craig Motor Company and retired with over 20 years service from the James and Law Company.


Mary Alice Louchery Fox, 86, of Clarksburg, peacefully went to be with the Lord on August 13, 2013, at her home surrounded by her loving family of an extended illness.

She was born in Clarksburg on August 23, 1926, a daughter of the late Cephas Louchery and Hazel Davis Louchery.

She was married June 27, 1942, to Russell Bernard Fox, who preceded her death on October 28, 2007, after 65 years of marriage.

She is survived by five sons, David Fox and his wife Mary Lou of Grafton, Ronald Fox and his wife Donna of Bridgeport, Russell Fox and his wife Terry of Clarksburg, Steven Fox and his wife Tanya of Clarksburg and Robert Fox and his wife Tami of Mount Clare; three daughters, Susan Ann Christie of Bridgeport, Mary Elizabeth McCoy and her husband Stephen of Clarksburg and Gloria Fox and fiancé Willie Beverlin of Clarksburg; 19 grandchildren, David and Laura Fox, Kevin and Tracey Fox, Josh and Heather Nichols, Jennifer Corbin, Jeff and Jenny Fox Miller, Megan Hill, Natala Fox, Jim and Beth Christie, Zach and Kim Christie, Glynn and Tracey Price, Shannon Fox Weaver, Jarod and Stacey Fox Louzy, Brian and Emma Fox, Martin and Valerie Howe, Ricky and Stephanie Rock, Angie Martino, Mary Beth Fox, Arden Fox, Ronnie Fox; and 22 great grandchildren. Also surviving are one sister, Beatrice McIver of Baltimore, MD; one brother, James Lochery and wife Corrine of OK, sister-in-law, Rose Marie Cody Fox; and several nieces and nephews.

In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by one daughter, Elizabeth Ann Fox; one grandson, Drew Fox; one great-grandson, Bailey Rock; four brothers, William Louchery, Carreld Lochery, Jerald Lochery and Bobby Lochery; and five sisters, Betty Stanton, Leatrice Martinez, Margaret Thompson, Helen Fox and Lillian Edwards.

Mrs. Fox attended Bridgeport High School.


Martha McClure White (WI 1970), 61, of Harrisonburg died Monday, July 29, 2013 at her home following a brief illness.

Born May 31, 1952 in Clarksburg, WV she was a daughter of the late Thomas Arthur and Mary Lou Thorn White.

Martha graduated from Hood College in Frederick, MD and worked as a paralegal for law firms in Washington, D.C. and Clarksburg. She had resided in Harrisonburg since 2002.

Her strong will and perseverance saw her through a significant bout with cancer in 2008. During five years as a cancer survivor she was able to get back to the things she loved in life: spending time with her family, friends and their families, loving her two cats and staying involved with animal rescues. Martha was extremely patriotic and an advocate for our veterans including an interest in "Breaking Free", a non-profit organization that assists local veterans with readjustment issues. In addition, she enjoyed her flowers, gardening, reading, bird watching (especially bluebirds), shopping, "smoothies" and ice cream.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death on May 29, 2011 by her sister, Ellen Thorn White Pollack.

Left to cherish her memory are brothers, Spencer K. White and wife, Kate Anderson of Singers Glen and Thomas A.White, Jr. and wife, Julie of Columbus, OH; niece, Kathryn Sharrock, her husband, Brian and their infant son, Declan Thomas Sharrock all of Hoboken, NJ; niece and nephew Elizabeth and Samuel White of Columbus, OH; aunt, JoAnn Hill of Chicago, IL; and cousins, Anne Hill of Chicago and Cy Hill of San Jose, CA; also surviving are Martha's two feline companions, Leo and Dillon.


Dorothy Deering McCord (WI 1959) passed away November 20, 2012 after a battle with breast cancer. Her daughter called Roleta and told her about this.

Dorothy loved Washington Irving and had fond memories of friends there.


Dorothy Jean Snyder, age 76, of Clarksburg, WV, passed away on Monday, August 5, 2013, at her residence.

She was born December 31, 1936, in Clarksburg, WV, a daughter to the late Joseph Ernest Hinkle Sr. and Mae Elizabeth (Carpenter) Hinkle.

She is survived by her husband of 52 years, Thomas A. L. Snyder of Clarksburg, WV; three sons, Jeffrey C. Snyder and wife, Barbara of Mount Clare, Christopher L. Snyder and his girl friend, Kelly Gillot of Salem, and Kurt J. Snyder and his wife, Diane of Mount Clare, WV; a daughter, Karen Sue Snyder of Clarksburg, WV; five grandchildren, Trista Dawn Snyder, Jason Clark Snyder, Megan Snyder, Shelbi (Snyder) Gricewich and her husband, Mark II and Tiara Snyder; a great-grandson, Izaiah Snyder; and a brother-in-law, Charles Zickefoose of Clarksburg, WV. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Joseph E. "Bud" Hinkle, Jr., Larry R. Hinkle, and a sister, Luella Zickefoose.

Mrs. Snyder was a 1954 graduate of Washington Irving High School. Dorothy was a member of Oak Mound Evangelical Church in Clarksburg.


Jane Linn Osborne Rogers died August 5, 2013 in Bridgeport, WV. She was the widow of Pliny Rogers who preceded her in death in 1992.

Mrs. Rogers was born in Clarksburg, WV. She was educated in local schools. She attended Chatham College in Pittsburgh, PA. and WVU where she received her Bachelors of Art and Masters of Art degree. She continued her education in NY and England. She taught for 50 years spending 30 years teaching English in Harrison County Schools and 20 years as an English instructor at the Clarksburg branch of Fairmont State University, retiring in 1995. She is survived by one son, one daughter and a grandchild

NOTE: Martha Jet wrote to say that Mrs. Rogers was a teacher at Roosevelt Wilson in the 1970's.


Alice Lee Shinn, age 93, of Clarksburg, departed this life on Friday, Aug. 2, 2013, at Heartland of Clarksburg.

She was born in Coffeyville, KS, on Sept. 20, 1919, a daughter of the late Fred Jesse Nay and Cora (Hannah) Nay.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Edward Shinn, in Oct. 1999.

Surviving are a special friend and caregiver, John Lee Shinn, and several nieces and nephews.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Charlene Shinn Cash, and a sister, Bonnie Dee Hammond.

She was a member of the Christ Church United Methodist Church in Adamston.

Alice moved to WV from KS when she was 12 years old, graduated from Victory High School in the Class of 1938. She previously worked at Hazel Atlas and the Carnation Plant.


Larry James Junius, age 24, of Clarksburg, passed away suddenly Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013, at his residence.

He was born Jan. 13, 1989, in Akron, Ohio, the son of Marva Reaves Thompson and her companion Steven Singleton of Clarksburg and Phillipae Junius of Columbus, Ohio.

Surviving are two brothers, Phillipae Junius Jr. and James Avery Thompson Jr., both of Clarksburg; his grandmother, Pauline Junius of Ohio; and his Aunt Fannie Forge of Chicago.

Larry attended Robert C. Byrd High School and the Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church and was a cook for Washington Square restaurant.


Ira Judson "Jud" Martin Jr., 77, of McHenry, MD, died Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013, at his residence.

Born Aug. 31, 1935, in Clarksburg, he was the son of the late Ira J. Martin Sr. and Elizabeth (Strickler) Martin.

He was also preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn (Long) Martin.

He attended Pierpont, Central Junior High and Washington Irving High Schools. He graduated from Greenbrier Military Academy in 1953.

Mr. Martin was a credit representative for General Motors Corp. and a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

He is survived by two sons, Ira J. "Trip" Martin III and Eric C. Martin, both of McHenry, MD; a brother, James E. Martin, Columbia, SC; two granddaughters, Ashton Carr and Riley Thompson; and one great-granddaughter, Keilyn Kahl.

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