Editor: Roleta Smith Meredith | Issue 46 | June 2003 |
Woody Garrett (WI '53) | Woody585@bellsouth.net |
Joe Charles (Bridgeport '55) | charlesbarbjo@aol.com |
Jackie Evans Cotter (WI '53) | cotterwv@aol.com |
Melvin “Carroll” Muntzing (WI '58) | MMUNTZING@MA.RR.COM |
Marian McDonald Hiller (WI '53) | TheHiller2@aol.com |
Bob Hiller (WI '52) | TheHiller2@aol.com |
Bob Bartos (WI '58) | rbbarth@ship.edu |
Ron Prince (VHS '60) | rprince 26630@yahoo.com |
Pegi "May" Bailey (WI '81) | HUSHPEG@AOL.COM |
Mike King (WI '61) | Tmichael43@aol.com |
Edward N. Evans (WI '63) | evansplus1@aol.com |
David Hornor (WI '59) | hornorjones@cswebmail.com |
Sandra "Babe" Urso Williams (WI '55) | consanwill2@ juno.com |
Sue Selby Moats (WI '55) | moatsue@AOL.COM |
Jean Post Watson (WI '56) | Mrsjawatson@aol.com |
Marcia Lynne Fox (WI '63) | LSchatz@CROWN-CHICAGO.com |
Betty Marino Blackshire and Mike Blackshire (ND '62) |
Mshire1124@aol.com |
Ben Nordyke (WI '71) | Mnordyke@cfl.rr.com |
Marvin George (VHS '62) | Mgeorge@westvirginia.net |
Les Hall, Sr. (VHS '55) | Engleh@aol.com |
Catherine Custer Burke (WI '52) | Krbur@aol.com |
Gary and Carol Grow Robey (WI '57) | garcar407@fbx.com |
Linden Perkins (WI '59) | perkins@mchsi.com |
Bill Post (WI '61) | WVoutpost@aol.com |