Editor: Roleta Smith Meredith Issue 1 September 1999

Here we go with the first newsletter. Thanks to all of you who have written with ideas and bits and pieces of news. I thought I would put out the first newsletter with the few things we have as some are pertinent due to time. We open with sad news and listing of deceased from our class and the class of 1958. But please read to the end as the newsletter will close on a happier note.

submitted by Joy Gregorie Stalnaker
Paul Michael Madzin, class of 1959, died last year of Lou Gehrig's Disease at his home in North Carolina.


For some of you who didn't attend the class reunion, there are 12 of our fellow classmates now deceased. Those being:

Betsy Baxter Fred Heldreth Richard Palmer
Tom Brown Eddie Kerns Georgia Watson
Nancy Chilton Paul Madzin Sallie Sue White
Gary Frost John Matheny David Yoke

submitted by Tom Marshall
Memorial Service for Classmates and Teachers and Staff given on July 31, 1999

Washington Irving Class of 1959 Reunion..
speaker: Thomas A. Marshall

Good evening, classmates and guests.

We are at that time in our lives when we think more and more of our own mortality. In the past 40 years we have endured much and enjoyed much, and we hope, there is much yet to come. We like Tennyson's Ulysses, will continue to strive, to seek, to find, and never to yield.

But sadly, some of our classmates have had to give up the struggle. Yet they have achieved, at least, this consolation: We owe God a death...And let it go which way it will, he that dies this year is quit for the next. (Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 2)

Let us cherish their memories and honor their spirits tonight.

This was followed by Tom reading the name of each deceased as a candle was lit in their memory. Also a candle was lit in the memory of the deceased teachers and staff. These candles were left lit throughout the evening.

submitted by Carol VanHorn (Class of 1958)

Melanie Aspy Patty Harper Glenn Morrison
Danny Bacchus Barbara Kemper Elberta Poling
Jim Hall Arlene Lopez Mary Ruth Vandevender

Paula Brasseuer has had two tragedies in her life in the past month, the death of her brother and the death of her mother. Please pray for Paula's comfort. If you wish to drop her a note..you can do it by e-mail: SR5600@aol.com
Or if you wish her address is:

Paula B. Riley
P.O. Box 12632
Charleston, SC 29422

submitted by Sharyn Cottrill McGahan
Also, as reported earlier, Frankie McGahan lost his 31 year old son to a tragic accident. If you wish to send him a card or note, his address is:

Frank and Mary McGahan
1403 Fenton Lane
Symlar, CA 91312

submitted by Paula Brasseur Riley's daughter Shelia

Did you ever wonder what happened to your permanent record card? It has been reported that they are indeed permanent! Even though Washington Irving is no longer a high school, the records live. Yes, all of the permanent record cards of all former WI grads are on file at Robert C. Byrd High School. (Probably on the computer or microfilm) So watch your step---it can still go on your PERMANENT RECORD CARD!!

(Wonder why people send me Hillbilly jokes?)

While in the woods one day, a hillbilly finds a stainless
steel pocket/signaling mirror that a camper had lost.
Curious, he picks it up and looking at it, exclaims, "Well, I'll
jus' be! It's a tintype of my old pappy." He brings it home
with him, but tells his wife nothing of his find. However
during the evening, he keeps slipping the mirror out of his
pocket and glancing at it sneakily.

After he goes to bed, his wife (who has noticed his actions)
creeps to his shirt and takes the interesting object out of
his pocket and upon looking at it, makes her own exclamation,

"So that's the ugly old hussy he's been slippin' round with!"

submitted by Judy Daugherty Kimler

Judy Daugherty Kimler has added another picture to her web page. You can now view the class picture taken at the class reunion in July. You may have to print it out to see it all as Judy couldn't get it reduced to appear on your screen without distorting it so much that you would not have been able to recognize anyone. Also, several of you have mentioned that you have pictures and have mentioned that you would send them to Judy. So send them already!! If the roll isn't finished, if you can't find anything good enough for you to take a picture of so you can finish out that roll, you can still have the roll developed. That is exactly what I did. I was in such a hurry that I took the film out of my camera with about 5 pictures left to take. They only charge you for the pictures you have developed. I mailed my pictures to Judy, she scanned them onto her web page and mailed them back to me. I had the pictures back in about a week. It all depends on the speed of the mail service.


No application needed. No age discrimination. No embarrassing questions. No harassment. No monetary advantages. No retirement plan. You will receive thanks, praise and self satisfaction. Jokes, happy news, births (do any of us still have those?)--well grandchildren count, anything of interest to your classmates. Just write to ROLETA1@aol.com Your item may appear in the next addition of the WI Class of 1959 Newsletter.

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